Below the “Three Ways to Volunteer icons” you will find a host of resources you can order, download, print and share! Order materials by making note of the item title & quantity you would like. Then go to the “ORDER” button (at the top of any page) and there you can note the resource title and quantity in the “ORDER FORM” section, or the “COMMENTS” section. Then submit the form! We will process your order as soon as we get it, but it may take two or three weeks to receive it in the mail.
You can also contact us to place an order, 205.795.5771, or
Help someone to learn how to pray the Rosary, in Spanish. Encuentre de manera simple las instrucciones de cómo rezar el Santo Rosario, las oraciones, así como todos los misterios. 4" x 8"
Share this brochure with Spanish speakers. It lists various prayers and devotions of the Catholic faith. It is all in Spanish: Folded 3½x8½, Unfolded 8½x14"
This is a flat flyer that explains all about EWTN in general! This is a great flyer to let others, who no little or nothing about EWTN, all about EWTN! The flyer is 8 ½ x 11 inches printed on both sides, and can easily be put into your parish bulletins!
The “A Global Catholic Media Organization” brochure is our EWTN General Information brochure and describes all EWTN media offerings. Good to share with someone new to EWTN. 8½ x 3⅝" folded, 15¾ x 17⅞" unfolded. For Order only.
Help someone learn How to Make a Good Confession, in Spanish. Encuentre de manera simple las instrucciones de cómo hacer una buena confesion, las oraciones más comunes, un examen de conciencia y oraciones adicionales. 4" x 8"
Tailored to reach young adults with the good news of EWTN available right in the palm of their hand, the free EWTN App on their phone! This card describes what is on the EWTN App and has a QR code to find out how to get it on their phone and more! The FREE app that is introduced by this card is downloadable and includes links to EWTN Radio & TV, and the App has a complete bible inside!. It is a card in the shape of a cell phone, printed on both sides, 3.25 x 6.5"
This Newsletter is a great resource regarding how to Evangelize your Parish! Full of many examples and tips to share your EWTN resources in your parish! Use it as a reference for new ideas & to see how others are sharing their faith with EWTN as a partner! Download it here.
This Newsletter gives you an overview of the many ways in which you can share materials and resources, as an EWTN Media Missionary! You may read about some ways you haven't thought about, that you may want to try! I hope you enjoy this newsletter!
This Newsletter is a great resource regarding how to Evangelize your Community! Full of many examples and tips to share your EWTN resources in your community! Use it as a reference for new ideas & to see how others are sharing their faith with EWTN as a partner! Download it here.
Enjoy all the latest EWTN Media Missionary volunteer news from our quarterly EWTN Media Missionary Newsletter! They are designed right here in the Media Missionary office and a hardcopy is mailed directly to each Media Missionary!
In this newsletter, we will tell you about many of the Media Missionaries’ work as prayer warriors and how they Evangelize through Prayer! EWTN is so blessed to have Media Missionaries who Evangelize through Prayer; they may not be able to go out to distant places or even their local parish but they pray for the Network and souls the world over right where they are, and indeed that is a great blessing to all of us.
EWTN TV Highlights of the most current few months on one side & a Program Grid Schedule on the other. This is our most popular item to Order, Print or Share electronically! Designed for Media Missionaries to share easily! Folded: 3.7 x 8.5". Unfolded: 8.5 x 11"
Program schedule for EWTN Radio, updated bi-annually.
These posters change topics/images, depending on the year's season or special promotion at EWTN, either way they are high quality and you will be proud to display them wherever you have permission. Size: 9x12".
This document lists most of the resources available to order, download, or just know is available. It includes a thumbnail of the resource and a short description of how you might use it! 8 1/2" x 11" multi-page. Not available for ordering.
This is a Tri-fold brochure, 9"x4" folded. It explains the many ways you can access EWTN programming wherever you go, at home, in the car or on the go! For Order Only.
We encourage each Media Missionary to pray Mother Angelica’s Prayer for EWTN every First Friday of the month. It unites us in concerted prayer! This is her Prayer Card: Size 3"x 5 ½“ for order only (prayer also found in the Media Missionary Devotional Guide).
Contact your EWTN Regional Manager by using this map & contact information! He/She is a vital partner in your missionary work; please contact him/her & let them know you have joined us in this mission to spread the Word of God! Download Only, not for Ordering.
This Folder is beautiful, large, has pockets & slots to store your important resources. Can also be used as a presentation folder to show your parish priest (or another who is interested). Limit 1/Media Missionary. Contents not included. Size: 12.25"x 9.5" with a ½" rib.
Summarizes the Media Missionary program & has a tear-off registration form. Flat version is 8.5x11 (printed on both sides). Also available as tri-fold version for brochure holders. Limit of 1/Media Missionary. If you need more, please contact the office to see how many we can send.
This little booklet has prayers & encouragement for you in your work of spreading the Gospel & your spiritual growth. You received 1 when you joined as a Media Missionary, but if you lost or wore yours out, please let us replace it. Limited to 1/Media Missionary 3 1/2" x 6" (12 page booklet)
Describes how you can get EWTN, Online, Mobile App, Streaming, ChurchPOP, Television, and Social Media! It also shows you how to GET MORE INVOLVED, WINGS and Media Missionaries! The card has an outline like a cell phone, 4' x 7.25 " For Order only.
"Let Us Pray" is a brochure featuring popular prayers and select teachings of the Catholic Church. The brochure is also available in Spanish “Esto Es Lo Que Creemos”. Size: 8.5"x3.5"-folded, unfolded-8.5"x 14"
The following resources have been gathered to help you spread the word about this incredible Online Learning Series.

The following resources have been gathered to help you spread the word about this incredible Online Learning Series.

Incredibly popular pro-life shows, summarized on one card: EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, At Home With Jim And Joy, & annual coverage of Pro-Life marches & walks! Card size is 4" x 9"
Order this brochure if you are thinking about hosting or creating an EWTN Media Missionary Gathering in your local community! It has tips and guidance to get you started on a fun and exciting event! Limit of 2 per Media Missionary.
Order your Media Missionary Reference Card & keep it handy, so the next time you want to contact EWTN or use a link for your Media Missionary work... its at your fingertips! Card is 6 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. & customized with your Regional Manager! (limit of 2 per Missionary)
Help someone to learn how to pray the Rosary. Printed on both sides. Folded size: 4 x 8 inches
Describes our animated, live action & puppetry shows, and our Home Videos & Internet sites for Kids! Use for parish parents & DREs. Fun accordion style folds, 6 ½"x 6 ¾" folded, 6 ½ x 27" unfolded. For Order only.
Similar to the English "Devotional Guide" except in Spanish (encontrará una muestra del cimiento espiritual de los Amigos Misioneros. Esperamos que estas reflexiones y oraciones sean una fuente de inspiración en su tarea como misioneros actuales). Download Only.
Download our ready-to-use web ad, EWTN is Everywhere! Please let us know if you need assistance in formatting. Ad Sizes: 650x150, 750x150, 300x250 (Download includes all sizes.)
A downloadable list of tips to aid in your work as a Media Missionary! Download Only.
Download a list of announcements with special information about EWTN programming to include in your parish bulletin. These announcements are for use year-round. Download Only.
Hosting an EWTN Parish Talk is one of the best ways to make people aware of the Network. Read all about giving a Parish Talk and them contact us if you want to know more. Download Only.
Use this WINGS form, or sign up online at to receive the FREE Electronic EWTN Weekly Newsletter. Form is 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Print on 65lb stock, add hometown & state, EWTN HD&EWTN Español (if available), replace "hometown cable" with local cable & channel for EWTN (DISH, DirecTV & SiriusXM stay the same nationwide). The sheet auto-populates after the 1st card is filled in. Download Only.
This is a guide to welcome all New Media Missionaries! It outlines the program with beautiful pictures and graphics. Download Only.
Help someone to learn how to go to Confession and why it's important. Folded size: 4 x 8 inches
Each pack has (15 ea.) specially selected resources for your ministry. They're tailored for Deacons, Dir. of Rel. Ed. (DRE)/Catechists, or someone wanting to share in Spanish! The Sample Education Resource Pack is like the DRE pack, except only one of ea. resource
EWTN offers life-changing programs vital to women, share this affirming card which highlights 3 women show hosts, Johnnette Benkovic-Williams, Teresa Tomeo, and Catherine Hadro. Size: 4" x 9"
In Spanish, describes all about the EWTN Español Network, television, radio, news, a volunteer program, and more! Folded, unfolded: 3½x8½, 8½x14" (quad folded)
Designed specifically for young adults, helps them Explore faith with EWTN! It outlines some thought provoking shows & interactive sites that inspire young adults! Card Size: 3¾ x 8⅕" card
Get 6 FREE issues of EWTN’s National Catholic Register today! Print and mail the completed card to: National Catholic Register, PO Box 293178, Kettering, OH 45429-9178, or call 800-421-3230 and mention code Y6FREE. Size 4" x 6"