- Share and post about EWTN on social media.
- Share EWTN person-to-person.
- Forward electronic communication from EWTN, including Media Missionary emails.
- Write and submit a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about EWTN.
- Seek free promotion opportunities on supportive websites.
- Host a table or place signage for EWTN at a community event.
- Promote EWTN News.
- Promote EWTN Radio.*
- Remember that you can share anywhere you have permission to do so, be sure to get permission to share before sharing at that organization’s site.
- Promote EWTN to the greater community, which may include:
- At Local Events
- Schools
- Hospitals & Rehabilitation Centers
- In Social Media, in your online community
- Electronically thru email, by sending friends documents, eblasts, schedules, about the EWTN App or EWTN On-demand information, or other electronic media.
- At Local businesses like a Bookstore, Library, Grocery Store Bulletin Board, Restaurant, Gas Station, Gym or other place you frequent.
- In-person sharing. This has always been a hallmark of how Media Missionaries share. Keep a Highlights programing schedule with you, and be ready to share it with anyone you meet or strike up a conversation about EWTN!
- * EWTN's radio is heard in the United States through local radio affiliates. These affiliates are independent stations that serve specific locations and they need help! By agreeing to promote EWTN Radio you agree and permit EWTN to share your contact information with the local EWTN radio affiliate for the purpose of promoting EWTN Radio in your area.
This Newsletter is a great resource regarding how to Evangelize your Community! Full of many examples and tips to share your EWTN resources in your community! Use it as a reference for new ideas & to see how others are sharing their faith with EWTN as a partner! Download it here.
This is a Tri-fold brochure, 9"x4" folded. It explains the many ways you can access EWTN programming wherever you go, at home, in the car or on the go! For Order Only.
"Let Us Pray" is a brochure featuring popular prayers and select teachings of the Catholic Church. The brochure is also available in Spanish “Esto Es Lo Que Creemos”. Size: 8.5"x3.5"-folded, unfolded-8.5"x 14"
The following resources have been gathered to help you spread the word about this incredible Online Learning Series.
The following resources have been gathered to help you spread the word about this incredible Online Learning Series.
Describes how you can get EWTN, Online, Mobile App, Streaming, ChurchPOP, Television, and Social Media! It also shows you how to GET MORE INVOLVED, WINGS and Media Missionaries! The card has an outline like a cell phone, 4' x 7.25 " For Order only.
Tailored to reach young adults with the good news of EWTN available right in the palm of their hand, the free EWTN App on their phone! This card describes what is on the EWTN App and has a QR code to find out how to get it on their phone and more! The FREE app that is introduced by this card is downloadable and includes links to EWTN Radio & TV, and the App has a complete bible inside!. It is a card in the shape of a cell phone, printed on both sides, 3.25 x 6.5"
Contact your EWTN Regional Manager by using this map & contact information! He/She is a vital partner in your missionary work; please contact him/her & let them know you have joined us in this mission to spread the Word of God! Download Only, not for Ordering.
These posters change topics/images, depending on the year's season or special promotion at EWTN, either way they are high quality and you will be proud to display them wherever you have permission. Size: 9x12".
Each pack has (15 ea.) specially selected resources for your ministry. They're tailored for Deacons, Dir. of Rel. Ed. (DRE)/Catechists, or someone wanting to share in Spanish! The Sample Education Resource Pack is like the DRE pack, except only one of ea. resource
Share this brochure with Spanish speakers. It lists various prayers and devotions of the Catholic faith. It is all in Spanish: Folded 3½x8½, Unfolded 8½x14"
Summarizes the Media Missionary program & has a tear-off registration form. Flat version is 8.5x11 (printed on both sides). Also available as tri-fold version for brochure holders. Limit of 1/Media Missionary. If you need more, please contact the office to see how many we can send.
Incredibly popular pro-life shows, summarized on one card: EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, At Home With Jim And Joy, & annual coverage of Pro-Life marches & walks! Card size is 4" x 9"
EWTN TV Highlights of the most current few months on one side & a Program Grid Schedule on the other. This is our most popular item to Order, Print or Share electronically! Designed for Media Missionaries to share easily! Folded: 3.7 x 8.5". Unfolded: 8.5 x 11"
This document lists most of the resources available to order, download, or just know is available. It includes a thumbnail of the resource and a short description of how you might use it! 8 1/2" x 11" multi-page. Not available for ordering.
A downloadable list of tips to aid in your work as a Media Missionary! Download Only.
Get 6 FREE issues of EWTN’s National Catholic Register today! Print and mail the completed card to: National Catholic Register, PO Box 293178, Kettering, OH 45429-9178, or call 800-421-3230 and mention code Y6FREE. Size 4" x 6"
Use this WINGS form, or sign up online at ewtn.com/wings to receive the FREE Electronic EWTN Weekly Newsletter. Form is 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
In Spanish, describes all about the EWTN Español Network, television, radio, news, a volunteer program, and more! Folded, unfolded: 3½x8½, 8½x14" (quad folded)
Download our ready-to-use web ad, EWTN is Everywhere! Please let us know if you need assistance in formatting. Ad Sizes: 650x150, 750x150, 300x250 (Download includes all sizes.)
Print on 65lb stock, add hometown & state, EWTN HD&EWTN Español (if available), replace "hometown cable" with local cable & channel for EWTN (DISH, DirecTV & SiriusXM stay the same nationwide). The sheet auto-populates after the 1st card is filled in. Download Only.
Designed specifically for young adults, helps them Explore faith with EWTN! It outlines some thought provoking shows & interactive sites that inspire young adults! Card Size: 3¾ x 8⅕" card
The “A Global Catholic Media Organization” brochure is our EWTN General Information brochure and describes all EWTN media offerings. Good to share with someone new to EWTN. 8½ x 3⅝" folded, 15¾ x 17⅞" unfolded. For Order only.
Program schedule for EWTN Radio, updated bi-annually.