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Video Update With Jim Pinto
Enjoy messages of encouragement and suggestions on promoting EWTN programming.
Title: EWTN LIVE! Fr Mitch Pacwa talks with Jim Pinto about Media Missionaries
Description: Jim Pinto is on the EWTN TV show EWTN LIVE with Fr. Mitch Pacwa! Jim sits in with Fr. for about 5 minutes and talks about the Media Missionaries, and how to join. He describes the Principle of Multiplication and our call to make disciples of folks who will in turn make disciples too! (Easter Season 2021)
Title: Do you foster your Media Missionary Mindset? Play Hot Potato!
Description: Jim Pinto, Director of the EWTN Media Missionaries Department, gives a brief explanation of what a Media Missionary Mindset is. He uses the well known game of "Pass the Hot Potato" to illustrate it!
Title: Encouragement from Jim Pinto, Director of the EWTN Media Missionaries Department
Description: Be encouraged Media Missionaries! You are part of something that is growing, God's kingdom is growing, keep sowing love. Listen to Jim Pinto lift us all up!
Title: Journey Home - Jim & Joy Pinto - 2/1/2010
Description: Jim and Joy Pinto discuss their journey back to the Catholic Church, the part that EWTN played in their conversion and their work in the pro-life movement.
Watch And Learn
Videos to motivate, equip, train and inspire you in your Media Missionary work.
Title: The Eucharist and You
Description: Delve deeper into our understanding of the Eucharist and how this Blessed Sacrament impacts our mission life. Watch and be a part of an evening dedicated to the Holy Eucharist on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe & Anniversary of the Founding of EWTN. Enjoy fellowship with: Director & Co-Host of At Home with Jim and Joy - Jim Pinto, prayer & encouragement from Father Joseph Mary, MFVA & Office Staff – Carlos Garcia & John Paul.
Title: Evangelizing through Prayer!
Description: Webinar, September 12th, 2024, LIVE from the EWTN Media Missionaries Office in Irondale, Alabama. In this webinar we are excited to be discussing the Power of Prayer as an EWTN Media Missionary! Some Media Missionaries never go on physical missions or never leave their home, but like St. Therese , they pray instead and fulfill that missionary calling to "Go out to the whole world, proclaim the Good News to all creation" Mk 16:15. Through prayer we can all be missionaries, and what may seem to most as very little work can mean the world when it is done for Christ. We will explore these many ways Media Missionaries touch others when they are limited on how to do it! Join us and find out how significant your work is to others! There will be LIVE questions & comments from those who participate, LIVE polls for all attendees, and we watch some inspiring video's together. There was so much in this webinar that it took about 45 minutes to complete, but it is worth the watch! Enjoy!
Title: Evangelizing Your Parish! An EWTN Media Missionary Webinar 3-7-2024
Description: This webinar is introduced to you by Hebreu! He is a Media Missionary-Area Coordinator for Florida! The webinar will bring you details about Evangelizing your Parish as a Media Missionary. It will talk about details that you may not know about, or, you may be able to try for the first time at your parish! Your Hosts are: Jim Pinto, the co-host of the EWTN show “at home with Jim and Joy” and the Director of the EWTN Media Missionaries Department. Carlos, the Media Missionaries Project Manager John Paul, the Media Missionaries Support Specialist With Special Guest: Stephen Keating, Growth Manager (contractor) for the EWTN Online Learning Series. Enjoy!
Title: Success Stories! - An EWTN Media Missionary Webinar, 9-7-2023
Description: See and hear about what other Media Missionaries are SUCCESSFULLY doing to spread the Word of God! In our office, we are able to see many of the different ways Media Missionaries share. We thought it would be good to share this information with you all in one webinar. From the Homebound Media Missionary to the Media Missionaries who host Gatherings, this webinar will give you a great overview of what we do as a group. We hope you will be inspired! We will show you our newest Media Missionary Folder, Our Newest Newsletter and our New Resource Guide. You will hear from Jim Pinto, our Media Missionaries Department Director, and staff: John Paul & Carlos. I will also be taking a poll as to your top two EWTN programs, and what way YOU like sharing as a Media Missionary! Come take the poll & share your thoughts!
Title: Webinar June 8th, 2023: Gathering in His Name! Media Missionaries Prayer Webinar
Description: Watch this recording and see us, along with Fr. John Paul Mary, in this informative webinar! Learn more about prayer as the foundation of missioning and enjoy a dedicated night of fellowship. 30minutes.
Title: Webinar September 8th, 2022: Keeping EWTN in Sight!
Description: Description: Watch this recording and see us, along with Fr. Leonard, in this lively webinar! Learn many new and creative ways EWTN and EWTN Media Missionaries are “Keeping EWTN in Sight!” 30minutes.
Title: Fr. Joseph Homily Reflects on Media Missionaries! 6-7-22
Description: EWTN's own Fr. Joseph explains about the EWTN Media Missionary program and how you help in the mission of Mother Angelica & of Jesus Christ, to spread the Gospel, with EWTN as an instrument of spreading that Good News. He explains why it’s important for you, and how it fits in a spiritual way by reflecting on Mathew 5:13. We all need the LIGHT that is in you, the LIGHT that is Christ. Let the Lord's face shine on us, and put gladness in your heart.
Title: EWTN show "the Catholic Sphere": The Media Missionary Program! Overview, Show 1
Description: Jim Pinto hosts the Catholic Sphere show with Media Missionary staff and an Area Coordinator from Texas! The show will give you an overview of its history, tell you what it is all about and what its like to be a Media Missionary. Show this to your friends or anyone interested about the EWTN Media Missionary Volunteer Program!
Title: Webinar March17th, 2022- Media Missionary Program
Description: All were invited, non-Media Missionaries too! Learn what a Media Missionary IS and DOES! Jim Pinto, staff and special guest Nerissa Flores (EWTN Regional Manager of Canada) will discuss many aspect of being a Media Missionary.
Title: Parish Talk Demonstration
Description: Ever wanted to do a Parish Talk?! Let Jim Pinto show you how!
Title: Steve Dawson President & Founder of St Paul Street Evangelization 2021 -Christmas Webinar
Description: Steve Dawson, President & Founder of St. Paul Street Evangelization, shares with us the urgency of sharing the Gospel message, and how you can easily and peacefully share with friends and family during this Christmas season.
Title: December 9th, 2021 Webinar: Christmas/Winter Gathering Webinar
Description: This is the very special 2021 Christmas Gathering of Media Missionaries Webinar! Jim Pinto, Steve Dawson (special guest) and staff present to all the Media Missionaries about the urgency and importance of sharing about Christ during this season!
Title: Encouragement from Father JohnPaul Mary
Description: Know that you are working in God's vineyard, and using your God given charism... Listen to Fr. John Paul encourage Media Missionaries in their work of being a Media Missionary. This video is taken from one of our 2020 Media Missionary Webinars. (5 minutes)
Title: Fr. Joseph on Mother Angelica's Legacy and how Media Missionaries continue that legacy
Description: Listen to Fr. Joseph talk about Mother Angelica's legacy and how Media Missionaries are continuing that legacy in the evangelistic efforts each of them do! This video is taken from one of our 2021 Media Missionary Webinars.
Title: Resources on Website and how to Order (for Media Missionaries)
Description: This video is taken from one of our Media Missionary Webinars. It describes how to Order resources from our Media Missionary website, and also describes our Resources section of the website. It is meant for Media Missionaries only, since they are the only ones who can order, but it may be of interest to others.
Title: Tour of the EWTN Media Missionaries Website, 2021
Description: This is a quick tour of the EWTN Media Missionary Website! It will highlight all the tabs on the website and give a good understanding of how it works so that you can continue to explore in more detail! It is about 15 minutes long.
Title: September 9th, 2021 Webinar: Celebrating 40 years, continuing Mother's Legacy!
Description: This is the LIVE webinar of the EWTN Media Missionaries office, September 9, 2021. Celebrating EWTN's 40th Year Anniversary and describing how Media Missionaries play an important role in Mother's Legacy. Featuring Fr Joseph.
Title: March 11th, 2021 Webinar: Media Missionaries Gathering
Description: See our LIVE webinar from the EWTN Media Missionaries offices in Irondale Alabama! It was recorded the evening of March 11, 2021 8pm(ET). Speakers include Jim Pinto, Fr. Mark Mary, Dr. Kaufman, and (staff from the office) Carlos, Vanessa, & John Paul. Topics include Child Catechesis and Evangelization, Electronic (touchless) Resources, Special Packs you can Order as a Media Missionary, Our Website, Social Media and How to Make an Account. The Webinar is jam packed with information for and about Media Missionaries. Watch it and catch all the details! God bless, Carlos
Title: MM Webinar for New MM - Dec 3, 2020
Description: This is the Dec 3, 2020 webinar that the Media Missionary (MM) office had for New Media Missionaries. New or seasoned Media Missionaries are encouraged to watch, but even better to attend LIVE!
Title: September 17th, 2020 Webinar: Media Missionary Gathering Webinar
Description: This is the recorded LIVE webinar which the EWTN Media Missionary office hosted September 17th, 2020. Hear from Jim Pinto with guests Fr John Paul and Chris Wegemer Vice President of EWTN Marketing, along with staff from the office, John Paul and Carlos. Get encouragement, be inspired and fellowship with us!
Title: A message from Michael Warsaw. EWTN Chairman & CEO, about accomplishments 2019
Description: Listen to Michael Warsaw tell you about how much EWTN has grown and accomplished since it founding.
Title: Become an EWTN Media Missionary!
Description: During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of Catholics worldwide have turned to online streaming to celebrate Daily Mass, spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, and feed their souls with faith-filled programs. YOU can help your family, friends, and parishioners get connected with what they need to keep their faith alive thanks to EWTN Media Missionaries! Become an EWTN Media Missionary now! http://www.ewtnmissionaries.com
Title: Why Be An EWTN Media Missionary
Description: Jim Pinto, exhorts us to be missionaries! Gives us reasons to be a Media Missionary. He is at one of our earlier Family Celebrations talking to all who are interested in becoming an EWTN evangelist, an EWTN Media Missionary. It's a message to all. He explains what we, as a Media Missionary, do!
Title: The "Media Missionary Mindset" & its Practical Expression
Description: Let us foster the Missionary Mindset deep inside you! Listen as Jim Pinto exhorts us and explains what this Mindset is and how it is expressed practically in all a Media Missionary does to share the good news!
Title: 10 Suggestions How To Evangelize
Description: Marcus Grodi is speaking to us at the Family Celebration in 2014. His message is timeless. He brings his experience of his long years of hearing conversion stories, "Seeking Continuity", "Resist Routine", "Pray for your Children", "Know Jesus Yourself", "Be a Friend", "Share What You Know About Jesus", "Know Your Faith ... and Theirs" celebrate with other lovers of Jesus Christ, "Share Resources With Them", "Listen to Them", "Love" .. and more...
Share With Someone
We've put together some of our favorite videos that we think will be perfect for you to share. Don't just tell someone about EWTN - show them!